Association Européenne de Commerce d’Armes civiles
The European Association of the Civil Commerce of Weapons

Welcome to AECAC

Welcome to the AECAC web page. Our Association is formed from numerous national associations representing the interests of gun and hunting trading businesses and specialised shops from all over Europe. AECAC defends efficiently the gun retailers at European level.


On November 30th, 2022 various member associations of the European Firearms Trade (AECAC) gathered for our end-of-year talks. The focus was on the political challenges of the upcoming year. The EU firearms regulation and the approaching ban on lead ammunition. The virtual meeting was moderated by AECAC Secretary General Michael Blendinger. He summarized the annual […]

Firearms: Updated regulations to increase security and facilitate legal trade Brussels, October 27th, 2022: Today, the Commission is proposing to update EU rules on the import, export and transit of firearms for civilian use. As many as 35 million illicit firearms are estimated to be in the hands of civilians in the EU, and around 630,000 […]

On Monday 13th of June 2022, an event organized by the Europeans Hunter Association (FACE) and the European Manufacturers Association (ESFAM) took place in the European Parliament on the upcoming policy challenges in the field of firearms legislation. In addition to numerous members of the parliament from various parties, Peter Brass (Representative of Interest for […]

In spring 2020 the AECAC members elected Michael Blendinger as new general secretary. Mr. Blendinger is vice-president of the German member association VDB and entrepreneur in Nurnberg. We have spoken with him about the future challenges and his ideas how to steer the AECAC through the coming times. Q: Mr. Blendinger, the Covid-19 crisis is […]