Association Européenne de Commerce d’Armes civiles
The European Association of the Civil Commerce of Weapons

Welcome to AECAC

Welcome to the AECAC web page. Our Association is formed from numerous national associations representing the interests of gun and hunting trading businesses and specialised shops from all over Europe. AECAC defends efficiently the gun retailers at European level.


After the European Parliament in October, the EU member states agreed in the Council in late November 2023 on a negotiating position on the European regulation on the import and export of civilian firearms. Negotiations between the two institutions start in mid-December and are expected to be completed in spring 2024. For this reason, the […]

The update of the firearms regulation has been published in fall 2022 and shall be agreed on by EU policy-makers before the coming European elections in June 2024. Especially for the trade with third countries the plans of the Commission could lead to additional bureaucracy and hinder the business of our sector. Peter Husen, Peter […]

After three long years, we had the opportunity to once again hold a personal general assembly of the AECAC in Nuremberg, Germany, on 3 March 2023. In addition to the start of a debate  on the further development of our association, the focus was also on the various political challenges at European level – ranging […]

On Friday December 2nd, 2022, Peter Brass (Representative of Interest of the German Gunsmith and Gun Trade Association VDB) met with Norbert Lins, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) on behalf of AECAC Secretary-General Michael Blendinger, at the Mueller Shooting Center in Ulm (MSZU),. As the Chairman of the Agriculture Committee, Mr. Lins is particularly […]