Exchange with the Chairman of the EU Agriculture Committee Norbert Lins (EPP)
On Friday December 2nd, 2022, Peter Brass (Representative of Interest of the German Gunsmith and Gun Trade Association VDB) met with Norbert Lins, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) on behalf of AECAC Secretary-General Michael Blendinger, at the Mueller Shooting Center in Ulm (MSZU),.
As the Chairman of the Agriculture Committee, Mr. Lins is particularly familiar with hunting related issues. This also includes the EU firearms law, which is currently being amended.
At the invitation of the AECAC and VDB, Mr. Lins visited us for a detailed tour of the shooting center. He was impressed by the size of the company – from 300m shooting range to the large shop.
A key topic in the subsequent political exchange was the upcoming amendment to the European Firearms Regulation. The EU Commission presented its draft for this at the end of October 2022.
Peter Brass expressed concerns on several points. The planned introduction of a so-called End-User-Certificate, which is to be introduced in the international trade in civilian firearms, is simply not feasible. Labeling requirements for weapons to be imported into the EU only often only have to be fulfilled within the EU. “You have to keep in mind that not all countries have the same requirements”, Peter Brass stated.
Norbert Lins stated that the International Trade Committee in the European Parliament is expected to be responsible for the EU regulation. However, any changes should be made with caution. Germany itself already has one of the strictest gun laws, emphasized the MEP. He would like to campaign for understanding within his group.
The interlocutors were relieved that the current EU Commission probably does not want to rewrite the Firearms Directive. An evaluation would not be due until 2025 (after the European elections). Nevertheless, there are enough political issues: „With the national gun law reform in Germany and the EU Firearms Regulation, we have two important issues right at the beginning of the new year that will go into parliamentary deliberations,” explained Peter Brass.

Picture from left to right:
Georg Geismar (Teamleader Sales MSZU); Dr. Thomas Kienle (fraction leader of the CDU town-fraction); MEP Norbert Lins; Peter Brass (Respresentative of Interest); Peter Husen (VDB political consultant)
Exchange with the Chairman of the EU Agriculture Committee Norbert Lins (EPP) Read More »