Association Européenne de Commerce d’Armes civiles
The European Association of the Civil Commerce of Weapons

Welcome to AECAC

Welcome to the AECAC web page. Our Association is formed from numerous national associations representing the interests of gun and hunting trading businesses and specialised shops from all over Europe. AECAC defends efficiently the gun retailers at European level.


On Friday, February 28, 2025, our annual general meeting took place at the IWA in Nuremberg, Germany. AECAC President Michael Blendinger was pleased to welcome new members from Austria and Romania again this year. However, the political pressure continues to increase: From the threat of a ban on lead ammunition to a possible revision of […]

The European Association of the Civil Commerce of Weapons (AECAC) has taken a clear stance (feedback was sent on December 11th) as part of the ongoing EU consultation regarding the EU-wide harmonization of criminal provisions related to firearms. The consultation examines whether a new directive is needed to establish equivalent criminal provisions across the EU […]

After some political back and forth, the new European Commission was able to take up its work on December 1st, 2024. This means that the regular legislative machine is starting to run again in Brussels as proposals for EU laws may only be made by the Commission. The AECAC used the occasion to hold various […]

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has proposed restrictions on the use of lead ammunition across the EU for hunting and sports shooting. A recent study commissioned by the European Shooting Sports Forum (ESSF) highlights a significant underestimation of the costs associated with upgrading shooting ranges to comply with ECHA’s proposed regulations, amounting to a potential […]